■ 제품필수정보
제조사 |
3M |
제조사품명 |
6096 |
간략설명 |
3M Gas/Particulate Filter for use with 3M 6000 Series Respirator 6096 |
■ 제품사양
타입 = Gas/Particulate For Use With = 3M 6000
시리즈 Respirator EN Standards = EN143
타입 = Particulate 3M??6096 Reuseable Filter. The 3M??6096 is a filter pack, which is designed for use with the 6000, 7000 and 7500 series half face and full face masks. They provide the user with a high protection from contaminated environments in a wide range of industrial contaminants. With a filter type of A1, it can protect you against organic gases and vapours mercury vapours and mercury. The bayonet fitting types allows each filter to be clicked in place for ease. Features and Benefits. Gas, Vapour and Particulate Filter 6096 protects against gases, vapours and particulates. Suitable for use with 3M??Reusable Respirators featuring the Bayonet filter connection system: 3M??Reusable Full Face Mask 7097S, 3M??Reusable Full Face Masks 6000
시리즈, 3M??Reusable Half Face Mask 7500
시리즈, 3M??Reusable Half Face Mask 6500 and 6500. Bayonet fitting allows filters to be twisted and clicked into place for ease of fitting